Monday, May 31, 2010

Two Old Goats on the Granite Belt

Goats milk cheese is the latest offering at Granite Belt Dairy Farmhouse just north of Stanthorpe - and you thought the old goats were the girls in the photo!

Cheesemaker Karen Deeth (left) said she'd always wanted to make goats cheese.  She now has timeshare on a herd of 17 Australian Melaan goats, which live happily along side the 25 Jersey cows which supply her original cheese range.

Joining the family at Granite Belt Dairy Farmhouse is Ruth Maddock (right) who actually owns the goats. Working alongside Karen, Ruth is now an apprentice cheesemaker.  Whether its made from goat or cow milk, cheesemaking is easy to learn but hard to master. Just ask any old goat!